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About: Welcome


People Working in Open Office

Sword Systems was birthed out of a need to see ICT infrastructure working together as a collective unit. Its primary desire and goal was to fill a void in the market whereby it would look after all spheres of ICT needs. Sword Systems therefore breaks the trend of IT companies only looking after one or two components. Our focus was to build a team that could do this. The goal was to have a team that had the heart of the company embedded onto them. we believe that we have achieved this goal. Our staff do not just offer ICT service, they live ICT service.

About: About


Startup Development Team

Our goal and vision is to be based on good spirit, whereby we focus on our clients needs. Through all of this, we strive to remain transparent, approachable and relational. Ultimately, we want to take care of our client's needs and to guide them to the best path for achieving their goals and dreams. Sword Systems is passionate about people and growth. Growth in our employees, and growth in the companies whom we serve. It is our mission to ensure that that purpose is achieved. Through our various sets of skills and knowledge, we are committed to providing you with the best possible tools and solutions.

About: About

- Martin Luther King -

Life's most urgent and persistent question is, "What are you doing to help others?"

Find out how we can help you!

About: Quote
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